Paul said, “Go listen.”
A friend of mine recently texted me a link to a song on YouTube. This was a few weeks ago so it was before the world seemingly stopped spinning. I have been playing it on repeat… literally over and over and over again. Today I had a tough day honestly. Paul handed me my phone and headphones and said, “Go listen.” He had the song open. He shut the bedroom door behind me.
While I can’t even begin to understand what your family is going through right now, I hope that these words bring you a little bit of hope today.
“Lord bless you, and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
May His favor be upon you, and a thousand generations, and your family, and your children,
and their children, and their children.
In the morning, in the evening, in your coming and your going,
in your weeping and rejoicing…
He is FOR you.”
Just like Paul handed me my phone and shut me in my room, I’m asking you to stop what you’re doing and walk toward a quiet place. I promise it will be worth it. Love you all. We are praying for your family…. this generation and the many that will follow.